Miracle & Revival
[ Testimony Sharing ]
Grace Hiew
Good morning Church. I am Grace Hiew of Cell Group CC1. It was through Good TV, a Christian Television Broadcast that I came across the Asia Conference in Korea. This is a worldwide Chinese Prayer Conference organized by Pastor Yonggi Cho’s Church and held at the Prayer Mountain. I prayed to God that one day I would stand and pray at this prayer mountain and to attend the Sunday Service in Yoido Full Gospel Church.
After 15 years, the Lord answered my prayer and in July last year I was able to attend the 27th Asia Conference. Last year November, my niece was involved in an accident. She fell from 8th storey building. Her parents and I immediately bought air tickets and were making our way to Malaya University Medical Centre, KL. I also went into fasting & praying because I wanted to see God’s miracle take place. When we arrived in the hospital, I prayed boldly in the ICU. I applied all that I have learned in the Prayer Conference, believing God will listen to my prayers. I did not just command the spirit of darkness and death to leave but I prayed God will enable her to be alive and to live victoriously.
Praise God for His grace and protection that today my niece is still alive and has a positive outlook of her future. I would like to thank the Cell Groups, 123 Prayer Chain, Morning Prayer team for your intercession that enabled that miracle to take place. I joined the 28th Asia Conference wanting to experience miracles again. Furthermore, this year theme was “Miracle & Revival”, giving me the assurance to attend. God reminded me through the Conference speakers that miracles still exist. The manifestation of miracle is the manifestation of the power of God. The Word of God must be our lifestyle, to live out the Word by faith, not to procrastinate but to be proactive. God will use us as His vessel of miracles.
Besides attending meetings in Yoido Full Gospel Church, we also attended meetings in another Church, Segyerokumnan Methodist Church. This church experience revival, started with 12 people in 2004 and grew to more than 8,000 people now. The key for revival in this Church was the Jericho Prayer which they have prayed yearly for 7 consecutive weeks, every Friday from 9pm to 4am. They are fervent in prayer, whether rain or shine. Last year, 3000 people participated. Their Senior Pastor, Cho Seng Meng says, revival does not depend on the numbers but believers who would pray passionately. As long as we are in the presence of God, people can change. The revival work of God is here and all of us can be a channel of His blessings.