Fibroid was gone

[ Testimony Sharing ]

[Josephine Ho]

I am Josephine Ho from CY2.  In 2011, I was diagnosed with a cyst at my right breast and it was confirmed cancer.  In December the same year, I had an operation to remove the cyst.  I had 30 chemotherapies after that.


One year later, I had ultrasound and mammogram, and found to have fibroid instead. I was very afraid and worried.  God loves me very much that I met up with an old friend May Ng whom we have not seen each other for a long time.  She prayed for me and invited me to church.


In December 2012, it was my first time to Glory Christian Centre.  To see the great every two-yearly Glory Kids Christmas Production.  I was very excited and impacted that there was such an anointed church. Pastor’s sharing and teaching attracted me to come to church every Sunday.  Through cell group and equipping stations my life has changed for the better.


I do yearly breast checkups.  My fibroid remains.  However, I am not down- hearted yet holding fast and not giving up but believing God will heal me. Every time pastor gave an altar call for sickness, I would go forward and prayed for healing.  My sisters-in-Christ in my cell group also always prayed for me.


This year, 18 January, my health report showed the fibroid in my right breast is gone but discover my left breast has a fibroid.  The ultrasound and mammogram reports do not seem to tally.  Two weeks later I went back for another ultrasound scan.  The doctor told me my report showed no fibroid.


I am totally healed! Thanks and praises be to God.  All glory to Him!