God’s Healing

[ Testimony Sharing ]



Good morning Church.  My name is Juvie Infiesto of Cell Group EE1.


Two weeks ago, my family experienced the healing power of God upon my 1 year old niece who is living in Tawau.  It was exactly on New Year’s Day that my sister contacted us to inform us that her daughter was hospitalized because of an epileptic fit.


According to the doctor, my niece would need to be hospitalized for at least 14 days, if her condition continues or worsens.  It may even cause damage to her brain.  My family was worried for my sister because she is also due to give birth to another child end of this month.  After hearing this news, I immediately sent message via Whatsapp to request my cell group members to pray for my niece, my sister and the unborn child in her.


Whenever we have friends or family members in need, my cell group members would always request for prayers via our Whatsapp group chat.  Apart from their prayers, I also requested for prayers on 3rd January which was the first Sunday of this year when Ps. William Vun called those with needs to come forward to be prayed for a miracle.  I came forward & stood in proxy for them.


The next day, my sister in Tawau contacted us and told us that my niece has recovered and can return home.  Praise the Lord!!  Our God is great!  I thank God for His miracle, His healing power towards my family.  To all my brothers & sisters in Christ, thank you for all the prayers and support.


I give all the glory, honour & thanksgiving to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.