Love Letter

[ Sunday Testimony Sharing ]

[Deacon Michael & Mary]


Deacon Michael

Good Morning everyone, I am Deacon Michael from Cell CC1. This is my lovely wife, Mary. In the early days, having a pen pal was a way to have a boy-girl relationship. We got to know one another through writing letters. There were no hand phones or computers in the 70’s. Mary was studying in Beaufort while I was staying in KK. Once a week, we would receive a letter from each other. In that 3 years of our love story, we got engaged and were married in 1978. As a husband, I took the responsibility to take care of my wife, working from morning till late at night. We were living a simple but happy life.



I was a housewife after we got married.  In 1985, Michael started his own business.  He would often go out during the night because he wanted to establish a better relationship with his business partner.  With that, our family time was neglected.  There were times his business was bad and because of pressure, he would raise his voice and showed his anger.


Deacon Michael

I thought it was alright for me to show my anger but as time went on, my eldest daughter and also my son were afraid of me.  My wife was also tolerating my attitude.


In 1997, there was a financial crisis and it affected my company badly.  I had much unsettled debts.  I was pressured and had sleepless night which resulted in insomnia.  It was in the same year, we received Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.  God healed my insomnia.  Shortly then, we joined GCC and we were baptized.  We attended Equipping Stations and Bible School together.


Thank God for His grace.  His truth changed our lives and the way we see and do things.  My bad habits were reduced.  After I accepted Jesus Christ, the ways I handle my business also changed.  I no longer depend on relationship, finance or entertainment to get projects.  My family life also changed.  I spend more time with my children and our relationship became closer.  We no longer teach our children by the old ways of scolding and canning but with love and encouraging words.



After accepting Jesus, our marriage relationship became better.  We learn how to respect, love and bear with one another.  Whenever we have disagreement or argument, we would settle them quickly before the day ended.


Deacon Michael

We are very certain that in order for us to be happy and fruitful, God must be in our home.  God also blessed our next generation.  Our children are happy in their marriage.  We have 3 grandchildren and another new addition in 6 months’ time.


Lastly, we would like to encourage all couples with this verse taken from 1 Corinthians 3:7, where we need in our home.  ‘Bear all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.’ God wants to use a willing person, not a perfect person.  Only when we are willing and according to the truth of God, we will be able to build our marriage relationship.  We will then experience heaven on earth, a happy, good  and healthy marriage.


All Glory to God.