To fulfill the mandate of being a church for the city by reaching out to those in need.
- Anyone may contact GCC Donor Registry Phone to request for donation. | 任何人都课联络GCC捐血者电话号码要求捐血。
- Messages would be sent out only to those who are eligible to donate (Blood type and last donation date would be considered) | 符合捐血条件者将会收到信息(血型及最近有捐血者记录作为考虑)
- Only if donors choose to respond, they would respond to the text. | 若愿意捐血请透过信息回应。
- The person requesting donation would be notified | 发出捐血需要者将会被通知
*Sending out notifications would be at the discretion of GCC and no personal info would be shared between parties involved.
Our commitment to you
- All personal details will be kept private and confidential. | 所有个人资料皆保密。
- Upon receiving notification of a need for donation, it is at your discretion to respond or not. | 收到捐血通知,您课自行决定是否回应。
Your commitment to us
- Update us via Whatsapp if you have donated so that we may update the registrar. | 若您已捐血,请透过Whatsapp通知我们,我们将更新资料。
- Disclose any information that may be relevant to your condition for donation. | 请告知有关您捐血相关内容。